Wednesday, October 22, 2008

politics of separation

India has been witnessing the politics of separation on the basis of religion, caste, language and region since the independence movement. The politics of Muslim league and late Jinnah is an example of divisive politics.
Although the British can be condemned for their policy of the economic exploitation but at same time they are appreciated for giving us a vast territory of India. The most southern parts of India had never been part of India even during the reign of emperor Ashoka, Sikandar Lodi, Akbar, and Auranzeb. This was firstly brought by the British in the main stream.
India which was united by the British was first broken by the Congress leaders into two parts – India & Pakistan. Again some people tried to make a separate country of Sikhs, Khalistan but the separatist forces could not get success in their nefarious object. Some people are trying to make a separate country of Kashmir. The situation of north east region has been volatile due to fissiparous tendencies. The politics of Raj Thakre patronized by congress government to counter its adversary Shiva sena is another example of separatist politics. Thakre is doing politics of hatred and posing threat for the unity and integrity of the nation but he is getting the support of the congress government at the centre and the state.
What these corrupt, communal and crafty leaders want? Whether India should be balkanized into so many parts as existed before the British. There were hundreds sovereign countries in India during eighteen century. Even at the time of independence there were more than five hundred princely states. Thanks to the British, They gave us a broad India but our political leaders are trying to again balkanized it.
No strong nation would allow separatist movement. Russia ruthlessly crushed separatist movement in Chechnya, China crushed mercilessly Tibetan independence. But our leaders are fostering the separatist leader like Raj Thakre. Whether the activities of Raj Thakre do not amount to sedition and contempt for the constitution which gave the right to any citizen to settle in any part of the nation? Why our President, Prime minister, leader of Congress party Sonia Gandhi and leader of B.J.P. L.K. Advani are keeping mum? Their silence on the separatist activities in the country is giving a wrong message.
The country is above everything. Man will come and go but this great nation will survive. Kanyakumari to Kashmir and Arunachal to Somnath( Gujrat) is one. If any politician tries to break the unity of the country for his evil object he should be dealt with iron hand. No laxity should be given to traitors of the country.
------ Radha Krishna Kumar

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