Wednesday, November 12, 2008

True Religion

“ Moko kahan dhunde bande, main to tere pass re,
Na main mandir, na main masjid, na kabe kailash me”
God says ‘where are you searching me? My son. I am not either

in temple or mosque. Neither at Kaba nor Kailash. I am just before you.’
At early stage of civilization people were worshiping nature such as river, rain, sun, fire out of reverence or fear but in the later stage of civilization people needed religion for the two reasons, firstly to maintain peace and tranquility and secondly to purify oneself. The religious text and the preaching of seers and sages are the testimony to fact that the gradual process of religion sought to achieve the aforesaid objectives. Some seers made penance and research in order to find out the existence of God and the mystery of the universe.
Although there are many religions in the world but the objective of all religion is to elevate human being and to make them more intellectually and spiritually developed. However during the course of time the religion deviated from its main objective and became a forum for vested interests and an arena of battle and discord. Siya-Suni, Hinyan-Mahayan, Shwetabar -Digamber, Akali-Nirankari, Catholic-Protestant, and Shaivaite-Vaishnavite are manifestations of differences. The priests of temples and churches, mullahs of mosques became greedy and wanted to fetch money from the followers. In the name of religion the people were cheated and defrauded. Some priest promised to send the follower directly to heaven in lieu of money. Women were exploited in the of name religion. The rituals and customs eclipsed the true religion and ostentation became the order of the days. Crafty saints become millionaire by cheating the money from the masses.
The penance and cessation of desire have disappeared. The path showers have become path breakers and want to lead lavish life. Selflessness, service to the common is confined only to religious texts. The religion has become a tool in the hands of cheaters and frauds to exploit the masses. Some political parties on the name communal agenda started dividing the masses to capture power to fulfill their nefarious objectives.
The religion compartmentalized the people in Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, and Christians. The religion has become more ritualistic and conservative. Fundamentalist forces misguide the people in the name of religion. There has been much bloodshed in name of crusades and Jihads. Venom of violence is being injected and non-violence is discarded. Division of people in the name of religion creates hatred for the follower of other religion. Riots after riot have been occurring in many countries and religion has become a law and order problem for many nations. People have forgotten the real religion and have been entrapped in fallacy.
There is an urgent need to awake and enlighten them about the true religion. Saint Kabir has exhorted the people to beware of the dealers of religion.
------------- Radha Krishna Kumar

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