Saturday, October 11, 2008

Political leadership in India.

61 years have passed since independence but India has not been brought in the group of developed nations. Although the nature has given everything to this great country. It has a glorious history and civilization. The people are enterprising and diligent. The country has abundant natural resources. Despite of the gift of the nature the political leadership of free India failed to provide the basic necessity such as water, primary education, basic health care, road and electricity to the rural masses.
Mrs. Indira Ganghi was a patriotic leader. She tried her best to ameliorate the condition of common masses of the country. Agriculture and Industrial revolution was brought during her regime. She was a dynamic leader who enhanced the status of India in world. India became the leader of the non-aligned nations. After Mrs. Gandhi the names of Morarji bhai Desai, Babu Jag jivan Ram, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Chandra shekhar can be mentioned as the national leader who were having vision of the nation building.
India is passing through the leadership crisis. At present there is no true national leader who has balance vision for the development of this country. India’s future is looking murky under the pygmy political leadership having their sectarian, regional, castes and sectional interest. They are incapable to lead the country forward with a holistic and dynamic view in the interest of the nation. The exiting leadership is more after power and money minting rather a statesmanship for the betterment of the nation.
Although India is facing enormous challenges. Most glaring challenge before the country is the security of life of the common people. The present leadership is more conscious about their own security than the security of common masses. The common people are not secured in the capital of India, what to talk of others? If the temple of democracy, the parliament, the sign of sovereignty of the nation, the red fort, the heart of Delhi,Cannought place is not secured under the present leadership how will they be able to provide security to the common masses?
The present leadership knows it better that it is out of their capacity and capability to solve the problems of the nation but they are befooling and exploiting the common people to grab power and to make money for their kith and kin’s. Unfortunately, at present India does not have good leadership who are having honesty, dedication, integrity and above all patriotic feeling for this country. May God give this nation good leadership.
------- Radha Krishna Kumar.

1 comment:

Life and Law said...

Why do feel disappointed? When there are persons like you ,who are around and fully alive to the problems. Somebody will certainly emerge to lead the country and I am sure sure such person or persons cannot remain hinged to the caste ,creed or region.Mental churning is the first step that will spring forth the desired leadership.Your concern and anxiety for a true and genuine leadership demonstrates that churning has started. Nevertheless, I fully agree with you that the present crop of leadership is fully corrupt,self centred and sick with nepotism and perversion of mind.
They (such leaders) have to be rooted out lock stock and barrel.But it is a very difficult task. Lenin had said that revolution is not an invitation to dinner. It is a long drawn and assiduous struggle.This struggle has to start first on the ideological ground and the rest will follow.
Parmanand Pandey